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Machine Selection
This project in Lincoln for St Marks Accommodation made use of our various Transport Platforms and Goods machines. Over the course of 2 years, 11 hoists were supplied in total.
This site consisted of 10 accommodation blocks which resulted in 1372 new student rooms at the University of Lincoln. Due to the layout of the site, multiple machines were hired, covering most blocks and creating wider access across the development.
Due to requiring a versatile package of construction hoists, we provided our customer with a combination of Bocker MX2024 and GEDA 1500ZZP machines. These machines can easily be configured as either Goods only machines or Transport Platforms and site decided to have a mixture of both.
Overall, this project was a brilliant example of how multiple machines can provide efficient access to large developments. The site team were more than happy with the access package provided by NTP and we continue to work together on multiple different projects.