Recent Project - Construction Hoist Hire

Key Details

Main Contractor

Winvic Construction



Hire Duration

83 weeks

Machine Selection

GEDA PH 27/37 (P/G) Twin
Tyndall Street, Cardiff

Tasked with delivering a hoist system capable of lifting both personnel and materials, we provided the project at Tyndall Street, Cardiff with a twin configured GEDA Ph 27/37 machine. These impressive hoists handle up to 28 passengers or anything up to 2700kg each. These made easy work of moving a variety of materials from ground level to one of 24 floors.

Our customer took advantage of our Bluetooth calling system. This allows for smoother operation of the hoists over such a large number of landings and makes communication with the hoist driver much easier. Due to the height and number of landings it was also decided that the machine would be installed in multiple visits. This included installing the machine to level 6 initially and returning to site to add additional landing levels as the building progressed.

Despite the distance from our main offices we were able to provide excellent service. We have also secured future projects based on the service we provided.

Overall, the project at Tyndall Street, Cardiff was a success and we are proud to have supported this build.